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Datab�ze spot�ebitelsk�ch zku�enost�

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Nyn� m��ete podpo�it nebo oponovat zve�ejn�nou zku�enost jedn�m kliknut�m na v�hy.

Ahoj Ja prave skoro naletel take St�l� odkaz Jaká je Vaše zkušenost? Mám podobnou zkušenost (0 z 0) Mám opaènou zkušenost (0 z 0) Ud�len� zn�mka: 5
V�robek r�zn�, Zahrani��
Tuto zku�enost zaznamenal/a dne 05.05. 2008 Zelinka Karel, Praha 5:
Just like you know the car it is with me in UK,London
If you want to come here is my proposition:
you must go to a Western Union agent( you can find one in each postal office
or by visiting www.westernunion.com ) and you must put 4000EUR of the money
there to your name to UK, London or YOU will ask a friend to come with you
to Western Union Office. HE will make a transfer so that HE will be the
sender and YOU will be the receiver. YOU will receive the money from Western
Union in UK,London
So the address of the receiver will be UK,London(In this way i`ll be sure
that you`ll be in London and that you`ll buy the car)
in the moment that you have made the transfer you must send me a scan copy
of the paper (receipt) from Western Union (if u have this money or not),
after that i will meet with you here,
when you`ll come here will check and see that all is allright and in working
condition. Then we can go both to a Western Union agent here and get the
I ask you that because i have alot of inquires on it and i will keep the car
for you.As you see this methode is a secure one because you cannot lose your
money and I don't lose my time. You cannot lose your money because they will
be on your name and you are the only person able to pick them up.
With this deposit you proof me that you are a serious person and you want to
buy my car.As regarding the money transfer expences you don't have to worry
at all because they will be deducted from from the final amount, so they
will be payed by me.
if u agree with this please contact me asap.
Thanks and have a good day.
Reakce firmy:
SOS nem��e ov��ovat hodnov�rnost v�ech vlo�en�ch zku�enost�. Proto firmy, kter�ch se tato zku�enost t�k�, mohou zaslat svou reakci zde. Jej� rozsah by m�l b�t p�im��en�. Reakci n�sledn� zve�ejn�me na tomto m�st�.
Dal�� zku�enosti s touto zna�kouVlo�it dal�� zku�enost s t�mto v�robkem

Strana 1 z 1 - celkem z�znam�: 1

(c) SOS - Sdru�en� obrany spot�ebitel�, o.s., Nov�kov�ch 8, 180 00 Praha 8, I�: 48429627. V�echny zve�ej�ovan� �daje maj� pouze informativn� charakter a nemohou b�t pou�ity jako d�kazn� materi�l. SOS nenese odpov�dnost za aktu�lnost, �plnost a spr�vnost poskytovan�ch informac�. S technick�mi n�m�ty a p�ipom�nkami se obracejte na webmastera. Vyu��v�me webhosting a publika�n� syst�m Toolkit od Econnectu.
Slu�by zalo�en� na principu SMS technicky zabezpe�uje MobilBonus s.r.o., infolinka: 777 717 535 (po-p� 9.00-17.00), [email protected], www.mobilbonus.cz.
Sdru�en� obrany spot�ebitel� �R vyu��v� zpravodajstv� z datab�z� �TK, jejich� obsah je chr�n�n autorsk�m z�konem. P�epis, ���en� �i dal�� zp��stup�ov�n� tohoto obsahu �i jeho ��sti ve�ejnosti, a to jak�mkoliv zp�sobem, je bez p�edchoz�ho souhlasu �TK v�slovn� zak�z�no.
Copyright (2006) The Associated Press (AP) � v�echna pr�va vyhrazena. Materi�ly agentury AP nesm� b�t d�le publikov�ny, vys�l�ny, p�episov�ny nebo redistribuov�ny.
D�kujeme za podporu na�� �innosti: Ministerstvu pr�myslu a obchodu �R, Evropsk� unii v r�mci programu Transition Facility administrovan�m Nadac� rozvoje ob�ansk� spole�nosti, Gener�ln�mu �editelstv� pro zdrav� a ochranu spot�ebitele Evropsk� unie.

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